Halloween is coming! If you are feeling creatively inspired you can bake some pretty pumpkin and goji berries cupcakes. The cupcakes are super interesting because of the orange coloring. You can also bake them just because they are a delicious autumn dessert.
I have already posted this red-colored Beauty UK gift as soon as I got it on my Instagram and Facebook page and promised to show you how they look. I think autumn is about warm colors, so we can warm
I just love the baking spirit that I get when autumn starts. I could bake the whole day, every day if I had that much time. Today I decided to try something I never did before. I bought myself a
Fall is totally here and I just had to do something with my hair. If you read my Lush haul blog post you probably noticed my obsession with every product they have, but there was a specific one that BLEW
Finally I found some time to write a blog post about the Deichmann brunch I was at on Thursday. Every season they prepare a brunch and invite the bloggers and coworkes to present the new shoe and bag collection to
Prejšnji mesec sem zmagala v nagradni igri lepotnega salona Bella by Nives in si s tem priborila gelish nohtke. Tako sem prvič dobila priložnost, da preizkusim to opevano tehniko permanentnega lakiranja. Naj delim svojo izkušnjo z vami in vam pomagam