I hear this question on a daily basis, from people I meet, from you guys, on my Instagram profile and even from strangers. That is why I decided to reveal my secret. 😉
A few months ago I found my perfect lip color. I think it suits me really well and I feel very pretty and natural with it on my lips. And what I love the most – it goes together with any outfit I decide to wear! Of course it could be that it won’t work for you since every color does not look good on every person. We are all different. But if you are like me, pale skin, blue eyes, brown hair… you should maybe try my favorite.
So, which one is it?
First, I have to admit it is not even a lipstick. It is a lip liner. I love how easily you can apply it just because it is pen shaped, which allows you to be very accurate. Since it is a lip liner – it is also very long lasting. And the shade? Perfect for everyday use, just the right shade so it does not stand out too much and actually looks natural. Love it.
I am talking about ESSENCE LIP LINER in shade 06 SATIN MAUVE.♥
I also tried some other colors, but none of them impressed me as much. Except for 07 Plum cake, which looks pretty much the same as my 06, just that it is a little bit more purple. But the difference is not noticeable on the lips, that is why I wear 07 sometimes too. Usually I have it in my bag, to correct my lips during the day, if I have to. 🙂
I am wearing 14 Femme fatale here (click) and here (click).
And with 07 Plum cake I created this look (click).
If you tried any of those (I think they are pretty popular), let me know which one convinced you the most.