Hello my creative friends! Here are some polymer clay jewelry pieces I’ve made lately. Hope you find some inspiration. 🙂 Swirl twirl rings. Roses: bobby pins and bracelets (click to see the instructions). Swirl twirl and blue roses earrings collection. Swirl twirl pepita favorite rings. Galaxy collection: long earrings and
Here is the box of my latest obsession – L’Occitane en Provence hand creams, very prestige French cosmetic. I was dreaming about those creams for so long, and since it is said that a tube of hand cream is sold every 3 seconds somewhere around the world and how amazing
Hello my loves! You have probably noticed that I changed my blog name from Zala Zagoričnik (my name and surname) to Zalabell. Since some of you asked me why I decided to change the name, I will explain it to you in this short blog post. 🙂 First and main
V našem življenjskem okolju so vse bolj prisotne močne kemične dišave v obliki parfumov, čistil, dišav za dom, omare, čevlje… Ker me ob umetnih vonjavah pogosto začne boleti glava, vsako leto komaj čakam, da na našem vrtu zacveti sivka, ki tako blagodejno diši in je seveda naravna. Zasledila sem prikupno
In August half of my family celebrates their birthday. My dad and my little sister have their birthdays just five days apart, and guess who is in charge every year to bake cakes for them? Me! In this blogpost I wanted to share with you the their two super delicious
Pred nekaj tedni sva se z mamo potikali po trgovinah s pohištvom in zgolj iz radovednosti pokukali tudi na oddelek za dnevno sobo. Vsekakor je bil že skrajni čas, da uredimo dnevno sobo v naši hiši. Obema je v oko padlo preprosto, a elegantno belo pohištvo v trgovini. Mene je